Why do you need spare car keys? 


Only a small percentage of the cars have spare keys out of the 2 million used cars sold each year. It is estimated that about 40 percent of the motorists do not have spare keys. A large number of driving motorists are driving around with only one key. Only a handful of the car buyers will contact an auto locksmith in Tulsa to buy a spare key.

Call it attentiveness, or for practical reasons, it is a sensible enough idea to have a spare key for the car. Read on to know about the benefits of having a spare car key.

Minimize your overall costing by having a spare key 

A good day can any time turn out into a bad day if you happen to lose your car keys during a crucial time of the day. Say you have an important presentation or an appointment with a potential client, but you somehow manage to misplace your car keys. Chances are, you will have to rely on public transportation, which may cause a delay; or you will call in an auto locksmith in Tulsa to your aid. Calling an auto locksmith is very expensive as compared to getting spare car keys. It is easier for an auto locksmith to duplicate the car keys from an existing set of car keys, than otherwise. The loss is not only monetary. In the above scenario, if you happen to reach late, it speaks volumes about your professionalism, and it also sends a message that you are unreliable and mostly unprepared. 

Prevent lock and key damage with spare car keys

It is mere foolishness and stupid enough to think that the car keys are resistant to any type of damage. While using the car keys, every individual tends to put a little pressure on them, without even realizing it. The everyday usage of the car keys lead to corrosion, regular wear, and tear and are easily prone to bending and snapping. Even the best-crafted keys are susceptible to damage, and the habits of the users usually speed up the process. Moreover, having a spare key means, you can use both the keys simultaneously, causing much less damage to the original set of car keys when used alone, otherwise. 

Your spare set of car keys will prevent car lockouts 

It is very pitiful if, as a car owner you think that car lockouts are a myth. Every individual who has gone through such a situation wishes no one else should face such a situation. But car lockouts are more common than anyone realizes it. One cannot predict when there will be a car lockout, which is why it is very annoying. If one had the privilege of planning a car lockout, then it would have never occurred in the first place. But alas! This is not the case. 

Irrespective of the fact whether you use your car for long weekend trips or as a means to commute to and fro from your work, every car owner knows that the car is a luxury. With a spare set of your car keys as a backup, it will allow you to gain entry back into your car in the most cost-effective manner, without causing much damage to the car. Also, under the circumstances of a car lockout, the spare set of keys will alleviate any stress and anxiety, which a situation like a car lockout can bring. 

With a spare set of keys, there is the ease of two drivers driving the same car

If two or more persons are using the same car, then having multiple spare sets of keys is highly advisable. This easily helps to avoid any confrontation and confusion, regarding the placement of keys, in times of need. Also, sharing a single set of keys can turn out to be extremely difficult, if one person is not available when the other person needs it. And, as discussed above, if there is a car lockout or one misplaces the car keys, the other person is available to assist in the crisis. 

And finally, you have your mind at ease

With a spare set of car keys ready at your disposal whenever there is an emergency, will let you be at ease during all times. You don’t have to worry if you accidentally lock your car keys inside the car. Or as a matter of fact, if any of the above scenarios happen to rise, you will be at peace because your spare set of keys, readily available.

A spare set of car keys will save you money, time, and prevent stress. Owning a spare car key will make a difference in having a good day or having a terrible day, which you definitely want to forget. They are a boon and come in handy under worst scenarios when you least expect anything to happen.



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