Why A Debt Relief Program Can Feel Like Financial Therapy


Since the recession in 2007-2008, millions of Americans have been calling out for debt relief support – and there is no shame in this. While it is better to find ways to live debt-free and unencumbered, this isn’t the reality for many. The key, then, isn’t to dwell on the past but to move forward optimistically into the future with a plan and a commitment to pursuing financial freedom.

Debt relief programs come with their share of challenges and hurdles but overall, for many, they can feel like a form of financial therapy. Families can use debt relief programs to create a debt-payoff blueprint, taking the stress and overwhelm off their shoulders and instead channeling their energy into making payments, saving, budgeting, and executing their financial plans. A skilled, compassionate team at a reputable debt relief company like CountryWide Debt Relief can guide you through your plan, helping you manage any challenges that arise along the way.

Here are five reasons why a debt relief program, for many, can feel like a form of financial therapy – and why you might want to consider one if you’re struggling to manage your debt.

It Provides A Built-In Support Network

Enrolling in a top debt relief company equips you with a built-in network of support, from your team at the debt relief company, to your family members, friends, and colleagues who know you’re embarking on this program and who exist to keep you accountable and periodically check-in. Trying to pay off a massive amount of debt on your own without any support is a stressful endeavor that, in many cases, can lead to failure. But if you are working closely with other individuals toward your financial goals, you will feel less alone, more empowered, and therefore, will find more success in completing your plan.

It Keeps You Accountable

Along the same lines, choosing to work through a debt relief program rather than tackling your debts on your own gives you an additional layer of accountability. With a set plan in place with payment amounts and deadlines, as well as an ultimate debt-payoff deadline, you will feel more pressure (in a good way!) to keep moving forward. Conversely, when you are working solo to pay off your debts, it is much easier to simply throw in the towel when it becomes difficult.

It Gives You Concrete, Tangible Goals – with A Clear “Light at The End of The Tunnel”

The “light at the end of the tunnel” mentality is perhaps the greatest benefit of choosing to work with a debt relief company. When you meet with your team at the debt relief company, you will devise a plan that includes a deadline by which to have your debts paid off. Knowing that there is an end in sight can substantially energize you to keep going when the road becomes rocky, as you’ll be able to clearly see and sense relief. Additionally, your debt relief counselor will give you concrete, tangible interim goals, like paying down a certain portion of your principal and interest, that can energize you to keep moving forward.

It Reduces the Mental and Emotional Strain of Trying to Figure Out What To Do

A tremendous amount of the stress that comes from managing debt stems from, simply, not knowing how to handle it. Many consumers constantly battle questions like, “how much should I be paying each month to stay on top of the accruing interest?” and “Is there a way I can change my due dates or reduce my rates?” Working with a debt relief company will take these decisions off your plate, putting them into the hands of seasoned professionals. Instead of sweating the details, you can instead channel your energy into making your payments and working through your plan.

It Represents Progress Through Action

Many consumers idle in their debt payoff plans, only to find that their interest continually increases and creditors become more and more aggressive in their contact attempts. By choosing to work with a debt relief company, debtors can start to move the ball forward – an excellent antidote to the stress and overwhelm that comes with feeling stagnant or stalled. Through action, you can slowly and definitively make progress toward your financial goals instead of feeling paralyzed by fear.




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