When Is It Time To Put Your Elderly Parent Under Professional Care?


One of the hardest decisions any adult child will face is when is it time to put your beloved parent into permanent residential care. It’s a terribly difficult position to be in because it’s bound to conjure up conflicted emotions like guilt, regret, and, if you are being honest with yourself, a sense of relief, too because of the knowledge that they will be safer under professional care. 

There is never an easy answer to the question, but you can take solace in the knowledge that permanent residential care is the best, safest, and often the most rewarding living situation an elderly person no longer capable of being on their own can be in! Not only will your parent’s physical needs be attended to in a dignified and considerate manner by the caring staff, but they will also have an attractive comfortable, and convenient living space they can truly call home, and the opportunity to socialize and take part in activities that wouldn’t have been available if they were still living in their former residence. The facilities are bright, cheerful, and full of love, but making the transition can still be hard, fortunately, you will have the support of the dedicated and caring staff to make it go as smoothly as possible!

Now that we have established the positives of making this big move, the question becomes when is it necessary to do so? Here are some of the telltale signs that it’s finally time for your beloved parent to get the care they need:

    • Your parent has suffered multiple falls that resulted in injuries from bruises to broken bones.
  • Your parent can no longer properly perform basic day-to-day activities because they are suffering from physical or cognitive impairments.
  • Your parent’s health is unstable resulting in frequent visits to the emergency room and/or hospitalization. 
  • Your parent’s physician has recommended that it’s time for them to be placed under professional care.
  • Your parent frequently becomes lost or confused in familiar places, and sometimes wanders away from home, a sure sign that dangerous dementia is setting in!
  • Your parent is increasingly withdrawing from social engagements, and/or becoming less interested in doing activities they previously enjoyed.
  • Your parent is having difficulty controlling their bladder and/or suffering from bowel incontinence.

The following are signs that relate to your own health and wellbeing, and must be taken into consideration as well!

  • Your mental and physical health is suffering from the demands of caregiving.
  • Your ability to give proper care is slipping because of exhaustion and stress, which isn’t good for you or your parent.
  • You feel increasingly irritated or frustrated, even over minor issues, and your temper has grown snippy and short.
  • Your own important personal relationships are strained by all the time and energy caregiving requires.
  • You aren’t getting enough emotional support or actual help from other members of the family to continue caring for your parent by yourself.
  • Your friends and work colleagues are concerned about your personal well-being and are urging you to seek long-term care options for your parent.

Placing your parent in a care facility is never easy, but it’s the best thing for them and for you.



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