Mistakes to Avoid When Relocating Abroad


Relocating abroad and settling down in a new country is both an exciting and difficult experience. There’s so much to put together and various plans to make. If this is the first time you’re relocating to a new country, it’s more than likely you’ll make a few mistakes. Nonetheless, there are some common mistakes you’ll want to take care to avoid if you want your relocation experience to be as stress-free as possible.

Over the years, both newbies and experienced ex-pats have made different kinds of mistakes while relocating. To help you avoid falling into the same trap, we have collated the most common mistakes people make when relocating abroad and how you can avoid them.

Insufficient Research

Research is arguably the most important part of relocating abroad. Making such a move requires that you learn everything there is to know about the country you intend to call home.

Making insufficient or no research at all could mar your relocation plans and may even cost you lots of money down the line. Below, we outline some important factors to research:

  • What you can take into the new country with you – some countries have strict import policy, they may not allow you to take in some of your personal effects. Australia, for instance, does not allow in most agricultural or biological items.
  • Standard of living – You’ll need to ascertain different accommodation costs, how available jobs are, food and basic utilities cost. This will help you decide if you can afford to live in such a country until you find something to do.
  • Required paperwork – research the necessary documents you’ll need to enter into the country. Some countries require visitors and emigrants to have special visas. If you are a kiwi looking to move to Australia, you may not need a visa as per the Trans-Tasman agreement.

Poor planning

Planning is another very crucial part of international relocation. Poor planning causes poor performance, therefore, plan properly to avoid mistakes that can derail your relocation plans or cause you to spend funds you didn’t plan for.

Once you’ve got the necessary information about the country you intend to relocate to, the next step is to start planning your move. This means deciding the city you’ll settle in, deciding which of your personal belongings to ship ahead of you, putting together your paperwork, and making other necessary plans.

The earlier you do all these, the better for your relocation, as you’ll be less likely to make mistakes caused by taking last-minute decisions.

Insufficient Finances

The lack of sufficient relocation funds is one major challenge ex-pats face. This happens because they underestimate just how much money they’ll need to relocate.

Moving abroad is far different from moving houses or moving from one city to another. In addition to being a lot more difficult, it’s equally more expensive and time-consuming. That’s why we recommend that as part of your research,  find out the cost of living in the country you wish to relocate to.

It is important that you have some money set aside for sustenance in your new city till you can find at least one source of income. Besides, having spare cash will save you from embarrassment and help you cover any unexpected incident.

Choosing the Wrong Moving Company

Most people either make the mistake of moving their belongings on their own or trusting their valued possessions into the hands of the wrong moving company.

The organization you choose for moving your belongings is a critical part of your relocation abroad. You want your stuff to arrive at your new home in perfect shape and without any loss, but this may not be possible if you insist on moving your belongings by yourself or choosing the cheapest or an unverified moving company you find online.

Most ex-pats make moving company choices based on price. While this is indeed a good factor to consider, it is not always the best option. Consider other factors like punctuality, professionalism, customer service, communication, and recommendations.

You’ll want an international moving company with the connections and international relationships to expedite any permits or licenses you may need to ship your belongings. For instance, if you’re moving from New Zealand to Australia, you will require special licenses to ship in certain personal effects. When you work with a reliable moving company nz, you can be sure that every requirement will be met on your behalf without stressing you.

Moving for the wrong reasons

Why exactly are you relocating to that country? Is it because your friends are there already or because you seek an easier, better life?

Relocating will unsettle your life significantly and it might take a while before you start feeling a sense of normalcy. So we recommend that you think carefully about your reasons for relocating before making the move.

If relocating abroad will not provide better options for you and your family, we strongly advise that you consider remaining in your country.



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