Do Your Tanks Need Better Liners?


It only takes one pinhole to render a water tank useless. So whether you want to build a custom chemical containment unit or get a few more years out of an old concrete tank, you should invest in high-quality tank liners as well. And in the case of specialized chemical tanks, any weak point in your liner could be potentially hazardous.

For this reason, it’s important to consider the materials, workmanship, and technology involved in the construction of your tank liners. Here’s what to check for when you’re shopping around for a better tank liner:


Westarp, a Western Australia-based tarpaulin, and tank liner fabricator, uses dual head welding machines to build tank liners with an exceptionally strong and watertight main seam. The design of the machines also allows the sealing tape to be welded directly over the material, which further improves the integrity of the tank liner.

These top-of-the-line machines don’t just weld, either. They also incorporate various technologies for ensuring that welds are done to exceedingly precise standards. Welding temperatures are precisely controlled and the welds themselves are assessed with sensors to detect subpar or failed seams.


The materials used in your liner should be suitable for your specific application. Tanks for storing seawater, for instance, will need to be made from different materials compared to tanks for storing freshwater or corrosive chemicals. So carefully note the type of material you will need as well as the relative thicknesses that best match your use case. Additionally, it’s important to note that liners are not meant to take extreme pressure. Hence, tank liners tend to be quite thin compared to the container or barrier they’re meant for.


It’s one thing to have advanced welding machines and quality materials, but it’s another thing to employ people who know how to use the technology correctly. After all, anyone can buy advanced welding machines and quality materials. They could also freely advertise their products as being made with these things. But if qualified professionals aren’t involved in the manufacturing process, you’re still liable to be stuck with a sub-par liner.

It takes training, experience, and a rigorous QA process to ensure that tank liner are made correctly. Unlike many other products, there is a very low failure tolerance for tank liners. Indeed, one small mistake in fabrication could render a tank unusable or unsafe to use.

The best tank liner fabricators hire only qualified trade professionals and employ a strict methodology for testing welds. They may also do trial welds and use different test methods to ensure both the machines and the materials meet the standards needed.


Tank liners are a crucial part of any liquid containment system. Because liners have to be made very precisely, you must get them from a manufacturer that has a specific focus on making quality liners. It’s important to look beyond the price and instead focus on looking at available solutions that will allow your tanks to remain useful for many more years to come.

What are your experiences with buying tank liners? We’d love to hear from you.



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