The Many Things That The Hands Say About An Individual Every Day Here In Australia


Body language is something that not many people are aware that they are doing but we are all literally telling people something by the way that we gesture and stand every single day. The good news however is that people react in a positive manner to those that use hand gestures when they talk and they find them to be incredibly agreeable, warm in nature and actually quite energetic. For those people who stand still and do nothing, there is a lack of trust in them and this has been found in many studies across the board.

This is why nail art is important because if you were using your hands to get across your point of view then you want your hands to look their best every single time and especially so if you are involved in a sales capacity. We use our hands naturally every single day and they help us to communicate in a more effective ways. Clearly, it is best if you are more aware of the movements that you are making and so the following are just some of the many things that your hands are saying about you as an individual every day here in Australia.

  • You may be less trustworthy – If you don’t use your hands and you hide them away under your armpits as you cross your arms or in your pockets then people see hidden hands as you trying to hide something and so they don’t trust you as much as they would if your hands were in plain sight. People are uncomfortable with those who hide their hands and so this is something that is to be avoided at all times.
  • You are showing signs of resistance – Crossing the arms in front of our chests, is something that we generally do if we feel threatened or someone is saying something that we don’t agree with. The unfortunate thing is that people notice negative messages more and even though you are unconsciously crossing your arms, you are providing people with the wrong kind of message.
  • You may be insecure – We all get nervous at times and especially so if we are doing an important presentation in front of important customers or friends. When we are nervous, we tend to touch ourselves and so we might play with the ring on our finger, the watch on the wrist and we might even push the hair back from our faces. This kind of gesture makes people think that you are unprepared and that is not a first impression that you want to put across at all.

It is important therefore to be aware of everything that you doing with your hands and also to make sure that your hands look their best every single day. This is why investing in nail art is money very well spent because it can help to change people’s minds and especially so if you choose art that is bright and upbeat.




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